Monday, May 12, 2008

Learn to Make Soap

I am a proud member for the Texas Soapmakers Association. One of the things this group does is have a convention each year. The convention is in Austin this year, July 18-20. Registration is open to the public.

This year, we are doing something new -an introductory soapmaker's class will be offered. You don't have to register for the convention to attend this class.

For more information, check this link:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why am I doing this?

In my work-a-day life, I am an accountant. In my real life, I am a wife, mother, sister and friend who makes soap. As I approach retirement from my work-a-day life (less than 9 months!) I thought it might be fun to chronicle my adventures.

My soap-making time is limited, and often happens in marathon sessions when I have a show coming up. Generally, though, making soap is very fulfilling. It requires planning and patience - a lot like cooking. It is very special to me that I can make something that people use and like.

So why a blog? I have many new projects planned - liquid soap for one. Also beer soap and salt bars. I thought my customers might be interested in the process. See you around.