Thursday, October 22, 2009

SSL Problem fixed

Finally! I was able to work with my hosting provider and get this handled. No more nasty warnings that the SSL certificate is bogus - it never was; there was just an issue with the way it was registered. The difference is that you no longer get scary warning messages!

All is well - so shop to your heart's content!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Violet Crown Fall Festival

Mark your calendar

Violet Crown Fall Festival
Saturday November 14
Crestview Shopping Center
7100 Woodrow Avenue

A fun and neighborly way to spend a few hours on Saturday...maybe do a little early Christmas shopping. We'll be there and hope to see you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Holiday Shows

I didn't get selected for the Cherrywood Art Fair this year - after participating for 5 years! There's a new artist coordinator and I understand they wanted to shake things up a bit, but I'm bummed that I got shaken out.

I will be participating in the Violet Crown Fall Festival on November 14. I'll post more details soon. And my friend Kathleen is hosting a home show; let me know if you're interested in details.

And, of course, you can order on line or give me a call. Just don't look for me at Cherrywood this year (sigh)