Wednesday, May 18, 2011

make room for soapin'

There's a 50 lb bucket of baking soda in my living room...more apparent because I just moved out 5 storage bins of various bottles, jars, pumps and sprayer tops. 

There are miscellaneous bars of soaps in various places.  Everyone has soap ends on their dining table, don't they?

Our home is smallish (abt 1200 sq ft) - a 3 bedroom 1  bath home built in 1953.  3 humans, 3 cats, a dog and a soap business coexist here (although the dog- a 90 lb lab - stays in the backyard).  It gets crowded.  And cluttered.  And messy.

There is soap-related stuff EVERYWHERE.  Except maybe my son's bedroom.  Nothing could exist in there very long and come out unchanged. 

There are labels, stickers, bottles, jars, misters, sprayers, buckets and pails of oils and butters, soap molds, essential oils, ultramarines and micas...loaves of uncut soap, stock of cut and labeled soap, baskets, shred for baskets, organza get the idea. 

I have a dream of a separate space for my soap-making activities.  It's a lovely dream, particularly the part where I can reclaim kitchen and dining room space. 

Until then, just step over the mess and come on in.