Saturday, January 10, 2009

New web things

I've set up a page on Face Book - very fun. Lots of interesting people, and this seems like a good way to keep up. If I just had something interesting to write!

Also, I set up an etsy store for Violet Crown Soap - - please check it out. If you're familiar with, then this will look pretty familiar. Any suggestions?

I have a little bit of free time, but used up all my soaping supplies for the Christmas season - have to visit Holly at Texas Natural Supply next week so I can start experimenting. I got some ideas from some of the folks who are members of Texas Soapmakers - if you're a soapmaker in Texas, you should check this out and really think about joining! Here's the site:

I've been knitting like a mad woman...I knit many hats for family members over the Christmas holiday. There is no shortage of hats in the Sandoz family. Also made a felted purse, which turned out quite nicely. Felting is very cool. Thanks to Renee for telling me about it and getting me interested.

Stay tuned...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello, friends and Happy New Year!

I am on extended vacation until my retirement is official at the end of the month. I will teach accounting as an adjunct at Austin Community College, and will also work during tax season at a local CPA firm. But, it's not the same as working a full time job, so I hope to have more time to make soap.

The economy has made it a tad scary to move ahead with my plans to retire, but it was the right thing to do for my family and for myself. I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my husband, sons and sisters, and some very special friends that are an important part of my life.

I also have a few knitting projects on the boards and am thinking about adding a few other knit accessories to the website to keep the washcloths company...we'll see. It's pretty warm in Austin, but every now and then a knitted hat or scarf come in handy.

First on my list of soap experiments is salt bars. I hope to have that going next week. Stay tuned for results.