Saturday, January 10, 2009

New web things

I've set up a page on Face Book - very fun. Lots of interesting people, and this seems like a good way to keep up. If I just had something interesting to write!

Also, I set up an etsy store for Violet Crown Soap - - please check it out. If you're familiar with, then this will look pretty familiar. Any suggestions?

I have a little bit of free time, but used up all my soaping supplies for the Christmas season - have to visit Holly at Texas Natural Supply next week so I can start experimenting. I got some ideas from some of the folks who are members of Texas Soapmakers - if you're a soapmaker in Texas, you should check this out and really think about joining! Here's the site:

I've been knitting like a mad woman...I knit many hats for family members over the Christmas holiday. There is no shortage of hats in the Sandoz family. Also made a felted purse, which turned out quite nicely. Felting is very cool. Thanks to Renee for telling me about it and getting me interested.

Stay tuned...

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