Sunday, February 22, 2009

Price Rollback!

Price for soap is rolled back to $5 per bar!

As I talked about in an earlier entry, the price I was paying for Olive Oil skyrocketed in the last year. Since Olive Oil is the majority of my soaps, I had to raise the price to recover some (not all!) of the price increase. Happily, the price I'm paying for olive oil has dropped back down - almost to the old level.

SO...I am dropping the price of my soap back down, as well. Sadly, the prices for essential oils - notably lavender and patchouli - haven't shown any indications of decreasing. But I think I can live with this.

I will be busy lowering the price on each item on the website. If your order doesn't reflect the $5 price, please let me know and I'll correct it before charging your credit card.

Thanks for cleaning up with Violet Crown Soap.

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